Katie’s natural talent for design was apparent as a child. At the age of 8 her grandmother allowed her to redesign many of the rooms in her home. She would re-position the furniture; pick paint and the fabrics for the draperies. Her grandmother would then buy all of the supplies and they work together to put everything together. As an adult Katie studied at the Sheffield School of Design. She then spent one year designing custom window treatments. She has a passion for window treatments and has designed many sophisticated styles. “I believe window treatments make everything come together in a room.” Katie’s eclectic style uses old and new, contemporary and traditional, bringing a vibrant new energy to any room. Her sense of color and texture add the finishing touch which makes every room shine. Her enthusiasm for every project, no matter the size, is apparent and results in repeat clientele and many referrals. She believes her biggest job is to listen to the client. “If you listen well they will always tell you what they need by telling you about how they live. She believes all of us here at Spencer Carlson can design a beautiful room, but our goal is to create a beautiful room in the eye of the client.”